Burn Notice: Damned If You Do

Slow paced suspense builds to a surprising shoot out action packed conclusion in this Brady Ellis composed in-show score for the hit series, Burn Notice.

“Hole In The Rock” Short Film Features Brady’s Music

Brady Ellis has composed a truly moving score for If These Walls Could Talk, a short film based on the harrowing journey of early Utah pioneers and the legendary Hole-in-the-Rock pass. Utilizing a sixty piece live orchestra from Prague, Brady’s sweeping score plays against a stunning, inhospitable southern Utah landscape with an emotional impact that resonates with faith, determination and the indomitable spirit of an epic pioneer adventure.

Burn Notice: Down & Out

Lives are on the line in this suspenseful and dramatic scene and this Brady Ellis in-show score for the hit show Burn Notice will leave you with no mistaking the gravity of the situation.

G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe

White Collar

White Collar

America’s Got Talent